Events calendar


To be noted in your diaries

Here are the exhibitions and fairs where you can meet us throughout the year…

Vinorama | Divinum | Caves ouvertes vaudoises | W.E. de présence au caveau  | Goûts et Terroirs | Comptoir régional d’Echallens | Comptoir Broyard | Marché de Noël au Domaine

Marché de Saint-Prex

Every last Sunday of the month

Craft market of Saint-Prex which is located near Morges with products from the region. To be held every last Sunday from 10:03 a.m. to 4:03 p.m.




March 5 to 9

Located in Weinfelden, Thurgau, this mouth-watering fair offers delicacies from all over Switzerland and beyond.


20 to 23 March
At the exhibition hall in Delémont : a nice little fair featuring mainly Swiss wines, and a few from other countries.



March 26 to 31
The Swiss wine fair : 180 exhibitors to visit, under excellent conditions, thanks to perfect organisation.


Spring Market

May 24

Chest loading around the wine truck for tastings accompanied by grilled sausages.


BEA Berne

25 April – 4 Mai

The central Swiss fair, where agriculture is very much alive and kicking, creating a very special atmosphere! At BEA you can find everything… and even nothing! Wines are located in a dedicated hall (1.2), and our stand is a joint one of the Mont-sur-Rolle winegrowers.

Cave Ouverte 2024

07.06 and 08.06.2025 from 10am to 6pm

We welcome you on our domain to spend a moment of conviviality while respecting the sanitary rules. A la carte: terrace, good wines and sausages from Bern ! A very nice day!

8-course meal 8 wines

June 20 – 21 and 27 – 28

Immerse yourself in a gustatory journey highlighting the flavors and aromas of each dish in harmony with the unique characteristics of the wines.

Goût & Terroirs (Tastes & Regions)

From 29 October to 2 November
At Bulle, the Swiss gastronomic fair… Everything in the fair is good!


Comptoir d'Echallens

From 4 to 9 November

Echallens, a fast-growing centre where people still say hello to each other. A dynamic and friendly exhibition.


Comptoir Broyard

From 21 to 20 November

The Comptoir Broyard is an essential regional fair, celebrating local craftsmanship and regional products.

Christmas Market at the estate

6 and 7 December
The smallest Christmas market in the world but how friendly ! For us it’s the conclusion of the year, with pea soup offered to everyone!!! Conviviality in moon boots!