

History of the Domaine de Maison Blanche

The de Mestral family possess their complete archives going back to 1248; a rare occurrence in the Canton of Vaud. An ancestor of the period saved them from the « Boulapapey » (paper burners) who were rife during the Vaudois Revolution of 1798.


Having arrrived from the other side of the Lake with another name, Estienne de Mont occupied the castle of Mont-le-Vieux with the post of Mestral to the Sire of Vaud, Louis de Savoie. This post was to be the origin of the family name. Mestral: controller of weights, measures and harvests, with the task of protecting the Sire of Vaud’s share


Acquisition of ‘la Maison Blanche’ whose bill of sale is reproduced opposite.
Dating from the 13th century, it was a fortified house protecting salt before becoming a vineyard.


Completion of the ‘ Maison d’Aspre a Aubonne’, ( Clos d’Aspre) with its wonderful wine cellar and its orange orchard, which contains to this day some of the original orange trees imported from Smyrna, (Izmir, Turkey) .
1300 to 1750 were prosperous years for the de Mestrals; some of them increasing their assets, others leading mercenary regiments for England, the Netherlands and France.


Enlargement of the ‘Maison Blanche’ by an extension added to the « tower ».


2nd enlargement, consisting of the shelter for the winepress built from granite, (brought by boat from the quarries of Meillerie in Savoy) and a 2nd wine cellar. For four centuries generations of farmers, or « hired hands » for the vineyards looked after the estate, under the leadership of the owner.


Death of the last « Gentleman-Farmer », Henri de Mestral, who managed 2 wine estates, agricultural land and forests. His son, Yves Senior inherited the Maison Blanche estate. Although not working the vineyard himself, he devoted much passion to it, which he was able to pass on to his own son, Yves.


An adventure begins! First season and particularly 1st grape harvest for Yves and Corinne on the Maison Blanche estate, then consisting entirely of Chasselas grapes. 1st diversification from Chasselas, with the development of a sparkling wine using the traditional method of in-bottle fermentation.


Death of Uncle Georges de Mestral : the inventor of Velcro. Birth of our daughter Sophie. Launch of a demi-sec sparkling wine « a la fleur de Sureau ». First harvest of our very first red grapes planted along the estate walls, composed of Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvigon : The Angels’ Share.


Birth of our son Antoine, on the first day of the new Beaujolais! At the suggestion of a barrel-maker from Burgundy, 1st cask-matured Chasselas : a revolution in the region ! First harvest of the grape variety Viognier.


Purchase of the Curzille vineyard (AOC Féchy) from Uncle Christian, owner of the ‘Maison d’Aspre’ at Aubonne. (the rest of the estate having been partitioned, sold and built upon).


Death of Yves senior, content to have assisted in the restoration of « his » Maison Blanche. Purchase of the neighbouring vineyard ‘en Curzille’, owned by Corinne’s mother.


First harvest of the grape variety Mondeuse.


1st chasselas matured on its lees (unfiltered) which will be aged 5 years before sale.


1st Old Chasselas semi-sweet wine which will be marketed in 2015.


Plantation of the Clos d’Aspre after 20 years of negotiation over a plot of land adjoining the ‘Maison d’Aspre’.


Purchase of part of the ‘Clos du Couvent’ at Mont-sur-Rolle.


Antoine rejoins the estate team, having completed his training. Among his qualifications is the desire to manage the vineyard in harmony with nature. Signature of an agreement to rent the ‘Clos de Germagny’, property of the Bercher family.



Transition to Organic Farming,
This demanding approach reflects our commitment to producing authentic wines while promoting biodiversity and preserving soil health.


First Organic Certification
After three years of transition, we have obtained our first organic certification.


Antoine officially takes the reins of Maison Blanche, continuing the family legacy. This transition comes with new initiatives to strengthen our ecological approach. Among these innovations, the arrival of two pigs marks another step in our commitment to natural resource management: they help recycle grape pomace and contribute to maintaining the parcels in a natural and playful way.